
Behind The Scenes: With Sarah & Bendrix

Behind The Scenes: With Sarah & Bendrix

Here are some behind the scenes pictures of the Sarah & Bendrix product photo-shoot. We shoot in a beautiful London loft space , with white walls, gigantic windows and even heated flooring! It was a brilliant day and we got some great picture. If you want to see the final shots head over to SarahandBendrix. com


The Perfect Picnic

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I am not going to pretend for one second that i am a culinary guru – especially when my attempts at icing a cake usually result in it pooling around the sponge- however here are some summertime foods that I think would be wonderful for a picnic.

I have selected fresh flavours such as lemon, mint and lots of yummy sweet fruit. Berries of all kind make for a brilliant decoration for your favorite cake. Fresh bread or croissants filled with creamy cheese and smoked salmon bring richness to the meal. On those hot Summer days the godsend that is crushed ice, is a great foundation for any refreshing lemon juice or cocktail.



Today has been a successful day for discovering some stunning and atmospheric photographs. I hope you enjoy the collage. 

Top Left: Nadia Moro – Behind the surface


Top Right: Robert Triscoli

Middle left: Andy Warhol

Middle right: Unknown

Bottom Left: Plamen Stefanov

Bottom Right: Unknown 




The Lowest Light On Facebook

Typography, Uncategorized

Happy Friday!

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The first few blog entries always seem a little daunting as its a million expectations crammed into one small box…yet I persevere. Here are a collection of some beautiful types I have found. I love the simplicity and expression of the ‘A’ compared to the very controlled and precise drawing on ‘Piter Pan’. I enjoy seeing the process in the final image of neatening the type in illustrator. There is a lot of work that goes into making a successful type so I make sure to admire it when I can!

Have a lovely weekend all.


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